Help Us Continue The Legacy
The news about nonprofit giving has been less than positive this year. The economy in general has everyone reconsidering how to spend their hard-earned money, especially when prices for goods and services are on the rise. Larger organizations that typically provide resources to major tourist destinations like the U.S. Army Airborne and Special Operations Museum (ASOM) are also facing shortfalls. All these factors weigh heavily on our Annual Fund which supports the museum’s day-to-day operations.
With your help, we can provide the experience you have come to expect and plan for a stronger future. Today, the ASOM is celebrating its 23rd anniversary. Since opening on August 16, 2000, National Airborne Day, the ASOM has conveyed stories of courage, bravery, and selflessness in new and innovative ways that have made, and will continue to make, an enduring impact on ASOM visitors of all ages.
Donations help us extend the programming needed to bring today’s Soldier stories to a new generation.
Admission to the ASOM is free but the experience is worth so much more. Consider supporting our Annual Fund with your gift today.