
Donors have an option to give a gift of any size to the ASOM forever through the Airborne & Special Operations Museum Foundation Endowment (ASOMFE). Gifts may be dedicated to honor or memorialize a family member, friend or business associate. This is especially appropriate for someone who has served in Airborne or Special Operations units.

Our endowment is owned and managed by the Cumberland Community Foundation, which for 40 years has provided essential funding to improve the quality of life here in Cumberland County. One hundred percent of each contribution is added to the principal of the fund, and only investment earnings are used to support operations and programming at the ASOM.

Gifts to the ASOMFE can be made in cash, publicly traded securities, mutual fund shares, tangible personal property or real estate. Any of these or other assets may be given outright or bequeathed to the ASOMFE. The endowment may also be designated as a beneficiary of an insurance policy or will. Please contact the ASOM Foundation Executive Director for more information.

Airborne & Special Operations Museum Foundation Endowment
Gen. James J. Lindsay Memorial Endowment for the Airborne & Special Operations Museum Foundation Endowment