The Day Japan Surrendered

On June 22, 1945, Okinawa fell to U.S. forces. Following this, an invasion of the Japanese home islands was in the works; however, before the invasion could take place, the …

The History of Iron Mike

In the spring of 1960, 18th Airborne Corps Commander Lieutenant General Robert Sink appointed Mrs. Leah Hiebert, a military spouse and sculptress, to design and fabricate a statue to encapsulate …

Boom Town: Fort Bragg During WWII

Germany’s invasion of Western Europe on May 10, 1940 led directly to a massive buildup of training bases across America, including Fort Bragg. The Nazi Blitzkrieg was a clear warning that America had to be …

The Story of Chaplain Charles Watters

Chaplain (Major) Charles J. Watters, like other Army Chaplains during the Vietnam War, provided spiritual guidance to men in combat and improved morale. Watters, a Catholic priest, spent 16 months …

Airborne Operations in Sicily: Operation Husky

With the Germans defeated in Africa, Allied leaders decided to invade Sicily to gain more complete control of the Mediterranean Sea and knock Italy out of the war. Airborne assaults …

Counterattack in the Pacific: Action in New Guinea and the Philippines

American parachute forces in the Pacific Theater of Operations were first used in New Guinea where the Allies mounted a major counteroffensive to stop the Japanese advance on Australia. On …